
Try Again

Having all sorts of issues with the Twin Fuel Pump Control Board, so I did the mature thing and threw it all out. Time to start again.

Simplified the whole idea, got rid of the op-amp, and I am just using a single MOSFET. Bench testing of a bread boarded prototype is showing promise.

I have some new boards on order which will be here in about 3 weeks. I have to order a new MOSFET as the ones I have don’t turn fully on until 15.5V which is too high, although they will do for testing purposes.

Stay tuned.


The first prototype Control Module is a Fail. The saying goes that you generally require at least three prototypes before you end up with a working device.

Well, I am off to a good start, as not only have I used the wrong Op-Amp, (It has an inverted output), I have also have the wrong ‘pin out’ on the MOSFET.

I need to learn how to read a Datasheet obviously!

Control Board