Fuel Surge Progress

After some false starts and setbacks, I have a functioning Control Module prototype fitted in the car and it is working beautifully.

The basis for the unit is this Voltage sensing Relay Module I bought off AliExpress. Added to an interface with a Buffer OpAmp fitted.

I am leaving the home-made prototype board in the car for prolonged testing and should the results be as expected, I will have the above professional boards manufactured.

Check out the YouTube Channel for details.


Things are finally coming together with the Twin Fuel Pump Control Module project, with the new design tested on a Bread Board satisfactorily.

I have changed the MOSFET in the design to one with a drive voltage of 10V, which necessitated the inclusion of a 10V Voltage divider, other than that, it is the same as in the last post. Boards are being manufactured now.

Try Again

Having all sorts of issues with the Twin Fuel Pump Control Board, so I did the mature thing and threw it all out. Time to start again.

Simplified the whole idea, got rid of the op-amp, and I am just using a single MOSFET. Bench testing of a bread boarded prototype is showing promise.

I have some new boards on order which will be here in about 3 weeks. I have to order a new MOSFET as the ones I have don’t turn fully on until 15.5V which is too high, although they will do for testing purposes.

Stay tuned.


The first prototype Control Module is a Fail. The saying goes that you generally require at least three prototypes before you end up with a working device.

Well, I am off to a good start, as not only have I used the wrong Op-Amp, (It has an inverted output), I have also have the wrong ‘pin out’ on the MOSFET.

I need to learn how to read a Datasheet obviously!

Control Board